Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Roast Pork Dinner

Roast Pork at the Corfu Grange

Sunday November 7th

Starting at 12
Eat in or take out
Adults = $8.50
Children 5-12 = $4
Roast Pork
Mashed potatoes
The Corfu Grange is located across the street from the Pembroke Intermediate School on Rt-77 and next to the former Corfu IGA
thanks and see you there!!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

October Meeting and Grange Hall clean up day

The October Meeting of Corfu Grange #142 will be on October 9th @ noon (note the time change) at the hall. Pizza will be provided by the Grange.

Topics to include:
- planning for Roast Pork Dinner on November 7th
- Clean up the Hall, it will take much more than one afternoon to accomplish all that needs to done at the Hall but have to start somewhere. 
1- Discuss the larger repairs.
2- Assign smaller groups for each room of the Hall.
3- Clean clean clean clean.

Thanks again everyone for a fantastic officer installation ceremony last month.